Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Visuel Basic:Control Structures

Control Structures:


If condition1 Then
End If

If condition1 is True, then statements1 block is executed; Else, condition1 is not True, therefore statements2 block gets executed. The structure must be terminated with the End If statement.

The Else clause is optional. In a simple comparison, statements1 get executed or not.

If condition1 Then
End If

Select Case:

Can be used as an alternative to the If...Then...Else structure, especially when many comparisons are involved.

Select Case ShirtSize
     Case 1
          SizeName.Caption = "Small"
     Case 2
          SizeName.Caption = "Medium"
     Case 3
          SizeName.Caption = "Large"
     Case 4
          SizeName.Caption = "Extra Large"
     Case Else
          SizeName.Caption = "Unknown size"
End Select


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